Monday 6 April 2015


There are a number of things that can get in the way of creativity. Most of the time the left side of the brain will try to override the right sides creative thinking with things like:

First Idea Headset: Falling in love with the first idea you come up with, neglecting other ideas that come after.

Pre-Judgement: Judging ideas before they are even created.

Social Anxiety: Being too anxious that you will be judged on your ideas, causing you to hold back.

Habit: Staying in your comfort zone which can prevent you from furthering your creativity.

Lack of Time: Running out of time and therefore rushing the work.

Fear: Being scared of your ideas not being good enough.

Workplace Pressures: Being pressured to do what you do not want to do or not do it in your own way.

Tensions: Other stresses in life that can put up roadblocks in creative thinking.

Lack of Exercise: Too little exercise/sleep results in poor creative thinking.

The left brain tends to be a distraction for creativity. It requires training and focus to be able to strike a balance and also utilise the creative power of the right side of the brain.

Friday 3 April 2015

2D Project

Now for something bigger. Dave gathered everyone round and handed out a design brief for us to look over. This was a basic look at what a job with a client would be like. Our objective was to design a small, non threatening and visually appealing robot character for a side scrolling game. We were instructed to find a collection of inspiration images and then draw up multiple sketches and have 3 of our best chosen by the project lead. We would then refine these drawing and choose a final character design.

Example of inspiration images:


My own sketches:

Chosen Three:

Chosen draft character actions and coloured character:

Final animation of character:

Overall, I had a really fun time with this project and the fact that it is sort of what it would be like to be working in that kind of job. I learnt quite a bit more about 2D animation and am happy with how it turned out. I made quite a few improvements to certain animations throughout the process to increase the quality of my character's animation.