Friday 3 April 2015

2D Project

Now for something bigger. Dave gathered everyone round and handed out a design brief for us to look over. This was a basic look at what a job with a client would be like. Our objective was to design a small, non threatening and visually appealing robot character for a side scrolling game. We were instructed to find a collection of inspiration images and then draw up multiple sketches and have 3 of our best chosen by the project lead. We would then refine these drawing and choose a final character design.

Example of inspiration images:


My own sketches:

Chosen Three:

Chosen draft character actions and coloured character:

Final animation of character:

Overall, I had a really fun time with this project and the fact that it is sort of what it would be like to be working in that kind of job. I learnt quite a bit more about 2D animation and am happy with how it turned out. I made quite a few improvements to certain animations throughout the process to increase the quality of my character's animation.

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