Monday 23 November 2015

Monkeystack, and 2D Project II

Our second 2D project was overseen by Troy, one of the owners of Monkeystack. He visited us and spoke about his company and what they do and how it works.
We were given a brief and discussed ideas with Troy before moving forward with the project. It was about expressing emotion from one to the other eg. happiness to sadness and vice versa.

My idea was set in a post apocalyptic setting, where humanity's ideas on valuables had changed drastically. I had a boy, scavenging in a pile of rubble who emerges with a shiny ring, which he chucks away without any second thought. He does this to illustrate the change in society and how this boy has been raised to take interest in what he can survive on, a ring that was once considered valuable now no longer has value. He emerges from the rubble once more, finding fresh water to which cues his celebration and spark of happiness.

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