Monday 23 November 2015

My Future/Career

At this current moment in time, I work a casual position in Hospitality and my spare time consists of art. I am a digital artist and have been working under an artistic persona for 3 years. It's an unofficial second job at times and my main hobby too. I am always looking to further myself creatively which is why I undertook this Cert III in Media. Learning animation and how to make it work was appealing to me, especially the 2D animation as it lined up with what I already do, drawing in a two dimensional space.

What I like about this course:
- 2D animation projects
- Character design/concepts

What I dislike/not very interested in:
- 3D animation, not really my thing but good to know how it works.

My strengths are definitely in 2D animation as I came into this course with drawing skills and experience with character design.
A weakness is 3D. Something I had never touched and also was introduced in the course at a very busy time in life outside of the course, which has affected my progress.

Possible pathways to take after this course:
- CDW Studios, the most likely choice as they offer what I am interested in through multiple courses.
- Taking this information and skills I have learnt and using them for personal projects.

Methods of "breaking in" to the career:
- Conventions, showing off talent to other talented minds or meeting and discussing with them.
- Indie projects with peers
- Youtube, Vimeo and other online sources to share projects/work
- Seminars, meetings and networkings

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